close river combat
2023-08-13 13:32:42
- 1970 1 mavr7753191 90 125 - 1
- 1253 1 Galleux 91 252 - 1
- 1081 1 uzairsukree 47 130 - 3
- 1597 1 Xiao Paocai 383 189 + 4
- 1752 1 2Noob 33 8 + 12
- 2674 1 Gustloff-Werke 1141 368 + 5
close river combat
2023-08-12 14:55:29
- 1088 2 demondrevolve 15 34 - 4
- 1579 2 ElectrocidTV 172 315 - 1
- 994 2 ajayrajsharma441 109 589 - 7
- 1596 2 Xiao Paocai 382 189 + 3
- 1560 2 USSR-CCCP 2005 1506 + 3
- 1924 2 tiggershark 867 609 + 1
close river combat
2023-08-08 11:06:43
- 1889 17 albatrosrat4933 468 232 - 1
- 1711 17 Fallen_Legend 883 773 - 1
- 2071 17 MiHolubCZ 859 493 - 4
- 2221 17 rambo 204 67 + 1
- 1860 17 Phoenix 321 229 + 3
- 1594 17 Xiao Paocai 381 189 + 2
close river combat
2023-08-07 20:09:34
- 1337 2 savaswr 774 986 - 4
- 1076 2 Mumbles 18 53 - 1
- 1423 2 jR 144 455 - 1
- 1577 2 Xiao Paocai 380 189 + 1
- 1718 2 2Noob 30 8 + 9
- 1910 2 v.t.r.s 133 33 + 5
close river combat
2023-08-07 19:08:30
- 1727 14 XSi 1460 1130 + 2
- 1867 14 TaPiKoo 830 465 + 1
- 1624 14 bartstengl 1072 1249 + 1
- 1633 14 Hector 42 29 - 4
- 1827 14 golova.2uxa 679 198 - 1
- 1575 14 Xiao Paocai 379 189 - 1
close river combat
2023-08-06 18:24:48
- 1605 2 =Vikings=Ragnar 327 300 - 1
- 1238 2 Redsaint 152 353 - 1
- 1346 2 redbull 920 1958 - 3
- 1589 2 Xiao Paocai 379 188 + 2
- 1841 2 golova.2uxa 679 197 + 12
- 1977 2 GENERAL PATTON 1736 1181 + 1
close river combat
2023-08-06 17:28:03
- 1541 3 TIOSwasHere 159 464 - 7
- 1076 3 trustersfriend 15 30 - 1
- 1321 3 TRASHTALKER 838 2135 - 4
- 1587 3 Xiao Paocai 378 188 + 1
- 1484 3 doucement 704 470 + 1
- 1979 3 Sula 107 86 + 4
CN RED BALL(8)V4-5-8
2023-08-06 15:42:33
- 1793 15 [CN]CunZhang红球村村长 31 20 + 1
- 1421 15 Qassam 119 161 + 1
- 2035 15 元首还活着 3149 2048 + 2
- 1334 15 I want to have sex O o O 13 8 + 7
- 1584 15 Xiao Paocai 377 188 - 1
- 1968 15 兵临城下 438 323 - 3
- 1900 15 83119839 137 124 - 1
- 927 32 小明清风 1 9 - 6
close river combat
2023-08-06 13:02:06
- 1588 26 вятич 94 181 - 2
- 1693 26 muchpayne 1398 1793 - 2
- 1514 26 monster75 676 1011 - 2
- 1506 26 doucement 703 467 + 1
- 1068 84 Ba!!Y 4 3 + 1
- 1599 26 Xiao Paocai 377 187 + 3
close river combat
2023-08-06 12:21:55
- 1121 20 Horus 12 32 - 3
- 1821 20 BartolomeoDiaz 31 16 - 2
- 1356 20 Ba!!Y 14 12 - 2
- 1449 20 Wangdadage 38 29 + 1
- 1095 20 Sharkeeeeyyy 20 28 + 1
- 1573 20 Xiao Paocai 376 187 + 2
close river combat
2023-07-08 16:44:35
- 955 45 jeanmonte95 0 1 - 1
- 957 43 IIIIIIIIIIII 1 1 - 1
- 1056 10 DerHerzog93 276 19 + 27
- 1023 10 golova.2uxa 87 3 + 60
- 1030 30 Xiao Paocai 1 0 + 1
Xiao Paocai

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.