2024-05-18 13:25:27
- 830 15 afclover 28 41 + 1
- 754 46 Click と Rearm? 0 1 - 1
red ball express
2024-05-18 12:35:55
- 926 19 mozkovyzavit 18 98 + 1
- 1796 19 GaRBuZ 250 220 + 9
- 1167 19 Yelis 71 68 + 7
- 1322 19 Guerrero 206 273 - 1
- 938 62 Click と Rearm? 0 1 - 1
- 1735 19 和尚愛飘柔 423 414 - 6
close river combat
2024-05-18 11:57:45
- 2351 2 CompanyofMadTurtles 554 359 + 2
- 1555 2 kachunjayden 335 368 + 2
- 1094 2 photochaper 65 119 + 1
- 1160 2 Howard the Duck 16 25 - 2
- 988 12 Click と Rearm? 0 1 - 1
- 1571 2 gxcwj168 108 59 - 2
close river combat
2024-05-18 10:28:53
- 2112 DonT Mess With ZoHan 1202 509 + 2
- 1925 flame 358 191 + 2
- 2239 歼20 2819 1410 + 2
- 999 1 Click と Rearm? 0 1 - 1
- 1010 1 Zont 1 6 - 2
- 1789 slowkoala 390 248 - 1
Click と Rearm?

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.