close river combat
2023-06-11 18:39:24
- 787 1 uzairsukree 3 36 - 6
- 920 3 Schwester mahal 2 7 - 3
- 866 1 werkyboy 5 51 - 12
- 1570 1 emilfi 88 115 + 1
- 1222 1 Howard the Duck 25 16 + 8
- 1563 1 Oberst_Mike 78 45 + 4
close river combat
2023-06-10 21:43:55
- 1015 49 pnz76 2 2 + 1
- 1201 51 [Galactic-Fugitive] 2 1 + 1
- 1520 18 SoVu95 40 26 + 2
- 886 27 Schwester mahal 4 12 - 4
- 1307 18 The Backson 24 41 - 2
- 1500 18 }l{eka 54 88 - 2
angoville farms
2023-06-10 21:20:46
- 1000 Schwester mahal 1 3 - 2
Schwester mahal

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.