2023-01-24 18:47:05
- 1869 21 YourMartian 360 416 - 1
- 1187 21 Big 9 16 - 3
- 1586 21 Nick der Geile 100 102 + 1
- 1320 21 Sir Coxwell 21 31 + 1
coastal harbour
2023-01-24 18:28:48
- 1296 2 Sir Coxwell 13 25 - 4
- 1649 2 Nick der Geile 106 114 - 4
- 1632 2 Jean-Moul2 100 91 + 1
- 2201 2 Dedoks 867 317 + 2
red ball express
2023-01-15 12:44:27
- 1842 4 From Mainland Of China 215 362 + 1
- 1782 4 SerdettoSunshine 213 153 + 1
- 1677 4 pinaf 122 177 + 1
- 1565 4 Nick der Geile 99 102 - 1
- 1299 4 Sir Coxwell 20 31 - 7
- 1447 4 Colaini 110 129 - 10
red ball express
2022-12-28 21:57:45
- 1520 15 Colaini 55 82 - 2
- 1651 15 Nick der Geile 106 113 - 3
- 1298 15 Sir Coxwell 13 24 - 3
- 1226 15 Neoliberal 92 46 + 1
- 1599 15 OldSpur 1278 1567 + 1
- 1778 15 Bullseye 114 93 + 3
hill 331
2022-12-23 14:47:45
- 1666 22 Nick der Geile 106 112 - 2
- 1535 22 Colaini 55 81 - 1
- 1313 22 Sir Coxwell 13 23 - 2
- 1617 22 The_Ripper 366 263 + 1
- 1294 22 皇家斟茶兵 59 57 + 2
- 1289 22 guiraut.sebastian 8 21 + 2
coastal harbour
2022-12-22 13:34:34
- 1688 1 Nick der Geile 106 111 - 1
- 1335 1 Sir Coxwell 13 22 - 1
- 2258 1 Helmuth von Moltke 554 135 + 8
- 1879 1 The Wolf, Duc Volpe 598 221 + 3
red ball express
2022-12-20 20:19:17
- 1444 8 berb 1090 1535 + 1
- 2081 8 MH 370 857 317 + 2
- 1366 8 alex_alex_eu 459 527 + 2
- 1451 8 Colaini 110 128 - 9
- 1568 8 Nick der Geile 98 101 - 6
- 1303 8 Sir Coxwell 20 30 - 6
vire river valley
2022-12-16 17:50:29
- 1721 15 Kafka 41 5 + 6
- 1237 15 BO$$ 21 66 + 1
- 1576 15 Nick der Geile 98 100 - 5
- 1311 15 Sir Coxwell 20 29 - 5
hedgerow siege
2022-12-15 18:48:39
- 1284 3 Cartman 130 295 + 1
- 2409 3 *****ID/yangyang7789 344 222 + 2
- 1823 3 coke 181 74 + 5
- 1326 3 Sir Coxwell 20 28 - 4
- 1591 3 Nick der Geile 98 99 - 4
- 1459 3 Colaini 110 127 - 8
hedgerow siege
2022-12-15 18:38:55
- 1820 1 coke 180 74 + 4
- 1885 1 compsecmonkey 508 387 + 7
- 2362 1 FuckingNoobGetYourAssMoving 529 292 + 1
- 1329 1 Sir Coxwell 20 27 - 3
- 1594 1 Nick der Geile 98 98 - 3
- 1462 1 Colaini 110 126 - 7
villers bocage
2021-10-21 19:08:59
- 952 48 RazrLilBigBoi 0 1 - 1
- 954 46 jim0726 1 1 - 1
- 1018 16 mahmuttuncer 24 1 - 1
- 1053 40 Nick der Geile 5 1 + 1
- 1033 16 Colaini 23 26 + 13
- 1046 46 Sir Coxwell 2 0 + 2
Sir Coxwell

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.