achelous river
2023-02-12 00:02:22
- 898 39 ☬︎ BAM+BUK ツ 0 2 - 2
- 960 40 501.es | mauro365 0 1 - 1
- 939 35 eliahu 1 4 + 1
- 1165 13 danishusman1945 65 78 + 3
close river combat
2023-02-11 23:27:40
- 1715 2 TANKER 121 110 - 1
- 990 10 501.es | mauro365 0 1 - 1
- 882 2 Cullinan 4 23 - 1
- 1633 2 the pink fluffy unicorn 562 427 + 1
- 1799 2 BeeMan 584 675 + 1
- 1544 2 shaner 499 699 + 1
501.es | mauro365

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.