red ball express
2023-03-09 23:45:10
- 996 4 Karmidzhanov 0 1 - 1
- 693 2 Caseycole 2 10 - 4
- 1237 ИВАН ЭФИРОВ 30 67 - 1
- 1089 Rybon24 24 32 + 1
- 2101 zmslzg 549 279 + 1
- 1617 Naked whey 128 104 + 1
Hedgerow Siege
2023-03-09 23:12:57
- 1689 The Law of Karma 456 408 + 5
- 1819 Lt Speirs 252 181 + 3
- 1461 Sergeantdrill 51 29 + 4
- 974 2 Buknoy1247 2 7 - 2
- 1249 MAIN 3428 3148 - 1
- 797 3 Karmidzhanov 0 1 - 1

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.