seine river docks
2024-09-28 22:29:47
- 959 43 Rambo03033 2 4 - 2
- 989 40 Active03 4 4 - 1
- 1043 48 sjaak 2 1 - 1
- 1191 41 creature2310 6 1 + 4
- 960 31 Tuinkabouter 5 8 + 2
- 1005 50 Donovan_Rex 1 1 + 1
close river combat
2024-09-28 16:59:18
- 949 51 Active03 1 1 - 1
- 997 17 Rambo03033 84 10 - 1
- 1037 17 Tuinkabouter 118 21 - 1
- 1051 51 sjaak 1 1 + 1
- 1004 46 creature2310 4 1 + 3
- 1053 53 Donovan_Rex 1 0 + 1
close river combat
2024-09-28 16:53:27
- 1039 1 sjaak 2 2 - 2
- 1044 2 Donovan_Rex 1 1 - 1
- 1057 1 creature2310 6 8 - 2
- 2006 Halls of Montèzuma 689 231 + 4
- 1477 Dr_Eggs 93 43 + 2
- 1945 Star☠Strike 672 340 + 1
hedgerow siege
2024-04-13 17:55:48
- 1082 28 creature2310 6 6 + 2
- 1028 42 Active03 2 1 + 1
- 1051 40 Rambo03033 2 2 + 1
- 894 30 Tuinkabouter 3 8 - 2
- 955 45 sjaak 0 1 - 1
- 1018 43 Donovan_Rex 1 1 - 1
seine river docks
2024-01-20 21:05:05
- 924 32 Tuinkabouter 3 7 - 1
- 1061 29 Rambo03033 7 5 - 1
- 954 46 Active03 0 1 - 1
- 1046 46 Donovan_Rex 1 0 + 1
- 1054 31 creature2310 5 6 + 1
- 1091 45 sjaak 2 0 + 2
close river combat
2024-01-20 19:48:44
- 1090 40 Rambo03033 7 4 + 1
- 956 44 Tuinkabouter 3 6 + 1
- 1061 61 Donovan_Rex 1 0 + 1
- 986 59 Active03 1 1 - 1
- 1023 42 creature2310 4 6 - 1
- 1040 57 sjaak 2 1 - 1
close river combat
2024-01-20 19:32:14
- 1050 31 Rambo03033 6 4 - 1
- 912 34 Tuinkabouter 2 6 - 3
- 955 45 Donovan_Rex 0 1 - 1
- 1045 45 Active03 1 0 + 1
- 1065 33 creature2310 4 5 + 1
- 1097 43 sjaak 2 0 + 2

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.