2022-11-06 02:19:35
- 1617 5 PinkPredator 71 71 + 5
- 2119 5 whiskeypatt 122 66 + 3
- 2182 5 JamesUK 243 215 + 6
- 1905 5 4lex 104 102 + 2
- 1187 5 attacktacos 38 50 - 3
- 1673 5 Snk12Hd 22 39 - 5
- 1662 5 ick312 526 688 - 2
- 2225 5 Gobbo Slayer 182 133 - 2
st lambert
2022-04-02 23:58:01
- 1591 9 wesxp44 90 88 - 6
- 1204 9 attacktacos 95 125 - 3
- 1475 9 Roaring Thunder 71 56 - 3
- 2095 9 StuMcGoo 195 196 - 1
- 1575 9 PinkPredator 26 31 + 2
- 1457 9 kais58 15 31 + 3
- 1953 9 JamesUK 192 188 + 3
- 2097 9 Stormtrout 419 278 + 2
enter the dragon
2022-02-06 21:28:54
- 1970 10 JamesUK 215 206 + 1
- 2214 10 Stormtrout 375 240 + 2
- 1659 10 attacktacos 223 252 + 2
- 1425 10 EarthShaker12 45 41 + 1
- 1538 10 Roaring Thunder 17 33 - 1
- 1543 10 StuMcGoo 74 101 - 3
- 1928 10 GORKstar 575 723 - 2
- 1706 10 IJustDontCare 63 86 - 4
st lambert
2022-01-23 21:28:30
- 1163 16 Roaring Thunder 18 25 + 1
- 2184 16 Gobbo Slayer 270 146 + 1
- 1464 16 4lex 15 21 + 1
- 2136 16 Area213 1187 996 + 1
- 1192 16 attacktacos 38 49 - 2
- 1861 16 Saavedra 144 191 - 3
- 1913 16 JamesUK 116 109 - 1
- 1894 16 GORKstar 570 719 - 2
deserted village
2022-01-23 00:06:43
- 1903 17 jjpunk 60 25 + 5
- 1948 17 Robieman 126 68 + 2
- 1649 17 attacktacos 222 252 + 1
- 1585 17 TommyGeneral 59 38 - 1
- 2060 17 Gobbo Slayer 152 97 - 2
- 1877 17 Saavedra 144 190 - 2
st lambert
2022-01-15 22:35:43
- 2226 12 Stormtrout 367 234 + 2
- 1995 12 Ryeassassin 124 127 + 1
- 1113 12 Roaring Thunder 13 22 + 1
- 1965 12 GORKstar 281 369 + 1
- 1208 12 attacktacos 38 48 - 1
- 1948 12 JamesUK 113 103 - 1
- 1924 12 Saavedra 138 182 - 2
- 1848 12 Area213 890 1081 - 2
2021-12-18 05:51:24
- 1937 28 Mister Maf 121 107 - 5
- 1875 28 JamesUK 195 184 - 1
- 1517 28 talkslow4me 163 195 - 1
- 1445 28 PinkPredator 10 17 + 2
- 1758 28 IJustDontCare 58 80 + 1
- 1220 28 attacktacos 38 47 + 1
somewhere in normandy (6)
2021-11-29 00:13:50
- 1632 15 attacktacos 221 252 - 1
- 2031 15 holoween 256 166 - 2
- 1987 15 Mister Maf 121 104 - 2
- 1991 15 JamesUK 183 170 + 2
- 1853 15 UnLimiTeD 64 82 + 1
- 1935 15 Stormtrout 388 251 + 1
st lambert
2021-11-27 01:22:55
- 2083 12 Clone 324 359 + 3
- 2097 12 JamesUK 163 120 + 5
- 1647 12 attacktacos 221 251 + 3
- 2163 12 StuMcGoo 183 187 + 3
- 1380 21 PinkPredator 5 9 - 5
- 1920 12 Stormtrout 387 251 - 8
- 2009 12 UnLimiTeD 85 98 - 3
- 2250 12 Snk12Hd 183 116 - 6
2021-11-25 23:52:24
- 2159 8 Gobbo Slayer 259 139 + 2
- 1635 8 attacktacos 220 251 + 2
- 2178 8 Snk12Hd 106 51 + 2
- 1401 16 PinkPredator 5 8 - 4
- 1932 8 Stormtrout 387 250 - 7
- 2021 8 UnLimiTeD 85 97 - 2

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.