close river combat
2024-10-29 21:33:39
- 1574 3 XSi 1758 1454 - 1
- 1627 3 Bonusfrag 1024 989 - 1
- 1812 3 mmm 303 219 - 1
- 1662 3 35 26 + 6
- 2463 3 lastofdesires 258 86 + 3
- 1995 3 Andreas393 932 667 + 2
close river combat
2024-10-26 20:19:07
- 1835 1 DONT MISS WITH ZOHAN 100 82 - 1
- 1313 1 pArca! 146 241 - 1
- 1025 5 Marevo 2 2 - 2
- 1992 1 Andreas393 931 667 + 1
- 1962 1 brand eins 503 137 + 1
- 1930 1 FUN TIME 2328 1281 + 1
close river combat
2024-10-26 19:40:02
- 2061 24 BAZINGA 1756 974 + 2
- 1152 24 DONT MISS WITH ZOHAN 10 14 + 1
- 1829 24 Cinderella 2006 1255 + 1
- 1795 24 ABAB 844 663 - 5
- 1734 24 JayTSAP 401 360 - 5
- 1991 24 Andreas393 930 667 - 1
close river combat
2024-10-20 20:00:40
- 967 James 15 100 - 8
- 969 SkyValley 3 26 - 23
- 1138 1 Dangleberrys® 1 1 - 1
- 2015 Andreas393 930 666 + 4
- 1895 FUN TIME 507 290 + 5
- 1621 MKbaba 121 106 + 4
close river combat
2024-10-19 19:21:37
- 2046 18 Defeatist 541 182 - 1
- 1961 18 Pesky Little Rascal Noob 858 576 - 1
- 1779 18 ZIGGY 165 95 - 1
- 1678 18 Mingau Norris 321 216 + 1
- 2029 18 Sula 164 123 + 1
- 2015 18 Andreas393 929 666 + 3
close river combat
2024-08-20 19:21:52
- 1393 2 pokerjehan 53 60 - 1
- 891 2 D41841 63 255 - 3
- 1346 2 Bazyl 1436 1584 - 1
- 1562 2 =Vikings=Ragnar 203 210 + 3
- 1472 2 MonsterEnergi2-0 88 63 + 2
- 1997 2 Andreas393 928 666 + 2
close river combat
2024-08-15 18:44:45
- 1642 4 Clearblood 85 92 - 4
- 1504 4 OUTPOST NS/WP 92 110 - 1
- 970 4 zippo08 23 83 - 6
- 1995 4 Andreas393 927 666 + 1
- 1666 4 Bodie 51 24 + 3
- 1425 4 Igdeur 939 496 + 1
close river combat
2024-08-10 19:06:37
- 1618 21 [rat]slayer 2388 3090 + 1
- 1530 21 MPT 76 41 29 + 1
- 1511 21 BERRASSS 2956 3027 + 1
- 1991 21 Andreas393 926 666 - 1
- 1383 21 ^^_-Ridiculam-Virum-_^^ 418 434 - 2
- 1512 21 Winner-At-Life 75 27 - 2
close river combat
2024-08-08 18:51:52
- 1692 11 XSi 1673 1343 - 1
- 1828 11 pershing889 912 554 - 1
- 2445 11 weezy 554 242 - 1
- 2012 8 Andreas393 926 665 + 7
- 2093 8 ZABUSA_95 148 51 + 9
- 2220 8 Negan 1153 574 + 10
close river combat
2024-08-02 20:45:24
- 1514 4 SSR88 36 43 - 2
- 1490 4 oflash0 41 42 - 2
- 1375 4 SpartanS1 2296 2211 - 2
- 1506 4 pokerjehan 98 92 + 2
- 1874 4 donald3213 2421 1236 + 2
- 2004 4 Andreas393 925 665 + 6

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.