route n13
2023-02-09 12:40:18
- 1242 14 Bloodbather 9 8 + 2
- 1948 9 GodlikeDennis 18 7 + 2
- 1755 9 Voice 39 19 + 2
- 1894 9 Kinkas 31 16 + 2
- 1317 9 gargous 217 156 - 1
- 1607 9 TUCK D Frump 913 629 - 2
- 2147 9 rich_soul 160 147 - 3
- 1115 31 Sossy destroyer 1 2 - 2
route n13
2023-02-09 12:10:03
- 1228 10 Bloodbather 8 8 + 1
- 1939 5 GodlikeDennis 17 7 + 1
- 1746 5 Voice 38 19 + 1
- 1885 5 Kinkas 30 16 + 1
- 1139 5 dr.marvin.holder 10 40 - 5
- 1645 5 EUROCASE 33 42 - 2
- 1154 5 D6ya 20 29 - 4
- 1756 5 TajkunDjilas 256 148 - 1
route n13
2023-02-09 11:27:03
- 1218 44 Bloodbather 7 8 - 1
- 1934 24 GodlikeDennis 16 7 - 1
- 1741 24 Voice 37 19 - 1
- 1880 24 Kinkas 29 16 - 1
- 1166 64 KING ☠ KONG 3 6 + 1
- 1447 24 一营少先队 46 51 + 3
- 1821 24 Matas 47 41 + 1
- 1761 24 TajkunDjilas 256 147 + 6
route n13
2023-02-05 12:38:03
- 1958 5 GodlikeDennis 16 6 + 2
- 1262 11 Bloodbather 7 7 + 2
- 1765 5 Voice 37 18 + 2
- 1904 5 Kinkas 29 15 + 2
- 1124 5 Kanonenfutter 151 238 - 3
- 978 22 Megumareta 0 1 - 1
- 1655 5 soloturk 167 207 - 1
- 1958 5 XAARGA--------- 307 214 - 1
king of the hill
2023-02-05 12:26:00
- 1953 2 GodlikeDennis 15 6 + 1
- 1899 2 Kinkas 28 15 + 1
- 1251 5 Bloodbather 6 7 + 1
- 1760 2 Voice 36 18 + 1
- 932 3 Uchiha Madara 3 15 - 2
- 974 9 Battlegodace 0 6 - 6
- 1479 2 Le Sauce 19 32 - 1
- 1686 2 jackyyuan168 1455 1523 - 1
red ball express
2023-02-04 12:22:49
- 1516 17 MANBASTEL 322 552 + 1
- 1807 17 LukeG1243 599 538 + 1
- 2048 17 Techno VIking 343 403 + 3
- 1500 37 Voice 5 5 - 1
- 1897 17 Kinkas 27 15 - 2
- 1951 19 GodlikeDennis 14 6 - 1
red ball express
2023-02-04 11:32:40
- 1542 1 GodlikeDennis 29 21 - 1
- 1758 1 Voice 35 18 - 1
- 1914 1 Kinkas 27 14 - 1
- 2238 7656119652368 270 251 + 14
- 2496 COSTELLOW 146 50 + 17
- 2194 日你日的有多深就有多痛 1556 946 + 1

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.