red ball express
2024-03-03 14:36:01
- 2149 12 夜袭寡妇村 1470 1199 - 1
- 1966 12 The Warrior 381 277 - 1
- 2196 12 Whit 376 322 - 1
- 1737 12 刺客新号 142 118 + 5
- 2163 12 依兰德扎卡耶夫 506 348 + 1
- 2437 12 大德意志师 2450 583 + 6
hill 331
2024-02-28 16:01:19
- 1910 16 Sgt. Eng 210 246 + 3
- 1750 16 furninjahubby 159 95 + 5
- 1601 16 kryp2nyt 177 100 + 7
- 1833 16 The Warrior 74 67 - 1
- 1637 16 Pieterschieter 201 228 - 1
- 1710 16 C4kill 1563 1194 - 4
red ball express
2024-02-23 16:00:10
- 1535 8 kotirocktv 49 53 + 3
- 1740 8 馋虫 463 385 + 2
- 1978 8 The Warrior 381 276 + 1
- 990 8 prolimit2022 19 14 - 4
- 1818 8 Peanutdog557 149 165 - 1
- 1885 8 aTastyLunch 123 104 - 1
red ball express
2023-12-03 14:05:01
- 1076 20 seanypumpkins 76 122 - 4
- 2385 20 sinwar 910 570 - 3
- 1970 20 The Warrior 380 276 - 4
- 1907 20 刺客 1680 1854 + 2
- 2353 20 76561198157988268 985 399 + 2
- 1048 62 wa xi li 1 1 + 1
red ball express
2023-11-25 14:18:56
- 1990 16 The Warrior 380 275 - 3
- 1665 16 minimumfirepower 154 113 - 2
- 2083 16 Kreuz 2203 2191 - 3
- 1823 16 lucky noob 296 140 + 1
- 2222 16 Talgar 401 243 + 1
- 1757 16 C4kill 1527 1162 + 1
red ball express
2023-11-12 13:47:25
- 1570 9 GSX1000S 5060 5075 - 1
- 1393 9 Drunkenstein 40 29 - 2
- 2006 9 The Warrior 380 274 - 2
- 1709 9 hwahaksg 1501 1262 + 1
- 1643 9 黑寡妇 292 290 + 1
- 2105 9 xuan 528 486 + 2
montargis region
2023-11-11 15:47:58
- 2467 13 76561198091340311 236 143 - 1
- 2047 13 Kreuz 2181 2169 - 1
- 1522 13 GSX1000S 5055 5073 - 1
- 2015 13 The Warrior 380 273 - 1
- 1757 13 Stermnator 874 662 + 2
- 2490 13 dundar 581 325 + 2
- 2426 13 Stalker® 796 301 + 2
- 1736 13 netzdski 300 287 + 1
red ball express
2023-10-30 03:11:00
- 1649 2 tumyumfu 261 367 + 4
- 2530 2 Stalker® 1022 292 + 2
- 2028 2 The Warrior 380 272 + 1
- 1524 2 41659046 1078 1027 - 1
- 1229 2 babies tent 12 15 - 6
- 2085 2 xuan 519 481 - 1
red ball express
2023-10-29 13:10:29
- 1828 31 NighTFurY 606 489 - 4
- 1842 31 Blajen84 396 152 - 2
- 2026 31 The Warrior 379 272 - 1
- 1359 31 Tomorrow will be better 38 30 + 2
- 1274 31 Monika 32 59 + 1
- 1378 31 谈玖tan90 177 229 + 3
hill 331
2022-06-04 01:14:27
- 1090 1 NOOB 58 384 - 6
- 795 1 Tree Luc Pat 0 25 - 25
- 1647 1 1Jogador 305 389 - 4
- 2057 1 The Warrior 379 271 + 1
- 1022 1 Calibrating Range Finder, Now 65 142 + 1
- 2195 1 haidaofu2 254 133 + 3
The Warrior

Recent matchhistory for Company of Heroes 1. All real-time stats are updated instantly after a game has been finished. Created by Statement.